Time Flies When You’re Having Fun (at Knots and Weaves & The LOFT at Knots and Weaves)

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We can honestly say that through the stress of starting over from the ground up there have been lots of laughs, lots of fun and strong bonds made stronger. And, much of that is due to the support of friends, family and customers, many who we’ve gotten to know through our move just a few doors down to 218 E. King Street. So much has been accomplished in one short year at our new location and it certainly did fly by. A total of 12 years in business….where did the time go? 

Most of you already know the story of how we landed at our not-so-new location, but in case you are new to our brand, the backstory can be found here. Fast-forward almost 3 years from that dreadful day, and the life and times of Jim and Kerry Greim, and The LOFT at Knots and Weaves, is a story we are both grateful for and proud of.

Not only did we find a fabulous location for our collection of new, vintage, contemporary, traditional and folk decorative and oriental rugs, we also found the ideal space to explore an idea we’d had for a long time: bringing together unique, handcrafted or locally-produced home décor, furniture, clothing, jewelry, artwork and gifts items. We call our second floor “The LOFT at Knots and Weaves” and it showcases everything except the rugs. Ok…that’s a lie–we may have squeaked in a few rugs. They make great backdrops to the rooms and vignettes we’ve created in The LOFT.

Those who have entered the tall arched doors facing King Street, are greeted with a splash of color emanating from every corner and every wall… a view that still gets our hearts revving each and every day—something we might have taken for granted had it not been for the fire in 2010, that took out our 304 E. King Street store.


So here we are, in 2013, with our one-year anniversary of the new location and LOFT upon us. It’s hard to reflect upon this without feeling a swell of emotion, or a sigh of relief. There’s just no getting around it; year one has been a labor of love, blood, sweat and tears. We’re okay with that cliché phrase, because it truly describes what we have felt this past year.


Owning a business is a major life commitment. There’s rarely a day when “work” is not on our minds, or being discussed around our dinner table, with each other and often our two children. Luckily the kids have taken an interest, and understand that much of what we do as a family, is tied to the success of Knots and Weaves. Both are willing to lend a hand to flip a rug or carry a package. We call them our “rug rats,” because well, they kind of are.

“Family” is one of our core values, and in the same way that we try to provide a sense of ownership, pride and respect for what we have built to Abby & Aiden, we also extend this to our staff. Even when it gets crazy in the showroom, while driving to deliver rugs or at an in home consultation, we all find ways to make each other laugh and lighten up.


Because Keith and Jim have been working together for 15-plus years, they’re completely in step with each other, to the point that they have developed strong mind-reading skills. (So they tell us, anyway.) Keith has been in the rug business a long time, and both he and his smile are indispensable. His singing, on the other hand…..?!#* Actually, we love his off-key, out-of-tune outbursts. It just means he’s happy and before you know it we are all (almost) singing along.


Justin wears so many hats it’s hard to keep them straight. His passion is antiques and collectibles, he has found some amazing artifacts for The LOFT—he is always on the hunt. Justin is patient, kind and willing to help out anyway he can. We love to utilize his expertise in collectibles but he is also developing a great understanding of the rugs. Justin’s people skills come so naturally that everyone who is greeted by him find themselves engaged in an easy friendly conversation.

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Adam started with us as a single guy, and his history with us included getting married and having three adorable rug rats of his own. If you’ve had the chance to talk rugs with Adam, you’ve surely gleaned that this guy has an amazing knowledge of Oriental rugs. Origin, dyes, wools and patterns…listening to him and seeing how he lights up sharing the history, and story, behind a particular rug is invigorating.

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Alice manages The second-floor LOFT with unflappable dedication and problem solving. Her customer service skills have helped us build The LOFT’S clientele, and because she enjoys sharing the origins of each vendor’s inventory, we consider her our official “tour” guide. Alice always goes above and beyond the call of duty whether it’s helping to find a customer exactly what they are looking for, even if it’s not currently in the store, to staying past closing time to sort through paperwork. 

Along with the Fantastic Four, we’ve connected with some amazing people interested in getting involved in our venture. We strive for collaboration in its purest form—a balance of creativity and professionalism that enables individual talents to shine even more brightly—we also understand that getting it right each and every time isn’t always possible. The silver lining in this is that we have gotten the opportunity to put people together with products they enjoy and get excited about.

And of course we can’t forget about our other family member (and mascot), Phoebe.


Our little lady joined us shortly after we re-opened summer of 2012. She was just eight weeks old. Every morning she accompanies us to the store, which makes everyone happy, including our customers.

Before I close out this extra-long post, I have to answer the question Jim and I hear most often: How do we spend so much work-focused time together, and not let the inevitable stress of running a business come between us?

It’s been a bumpy ride, but despite the stressful moments, we are in an industry that excites us and that, when all goes according to plan, brings beauty and joy into our lives…it’s our livelihood and we are committed to its success. When the going gets tough, we try to step back and find a little time to reconnect with each other and with the kids. Maintaining a solid foundation is the key, but we all know it’s not that easy. Owning a business together is definitely not for the faint-hearted, or a tool to enhance your marriage. We are both grateful for each other’s willingness to get up and do it again each day.


To sum it up, it’s been a year filled with challenges and triumphs—much like any other business’ first year or 12th year. We’ve also experienced a lot of gratitude, for many businesses don’t always make it to this milestone. To our supporters, we say “thank you”. Accepting us into the community of Malvern on its most popular street, and validating our eclectic sense of style by bringing pieces of our home into yours, leaves us feeling grateful and proud. And after experiencing that terrible fire in 2010, those are two wonderful feelings to have.


Follow us into Year Two via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

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